
Sep 11

The Government Does Not Want to Study Pot

The 2011 National Drug Control Strategy Report clearly shows that the Federal Government has no interest in clinical studies of marijuana.

Weed Research
The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy released its 2011 National Drug Control Strategy report in June. That is only six months late, which I guess is close enough for government work. The report contained many of the federally purported myths we are familiar with. Interestingly, the report did take time to discuss medical marijuana and the national legalization movement.
A section ironically titled “The Facts About Marijuana” dealt little with facts and figures of the Drug War and instead was a Christmas list of government propaganda. Pick anything out of this section and you will find laughable claims. For example, “Marijuana and other illicit drugs are addictive and unsafe […] marijuana on its own is associated with addiction, respiratory and mental illness, poor motor performance, cognitive impairment, among other negative effects.” These are the kind of lies we are used to hearing from the Office of National Drug Control Policy. The most interesting section however, deals with the national legalization movement.
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Apr 11

Cannabis And Driving

Cannabis And Driving

Cannabis And Driving

Cannabis also known as marijuana is a very popular recreational drugs. However, driving under the influence of marijuana should be strictly avoided.  According to the United Nations it is the most used illicit substance in the planet. One of the key marijuana facts is that like other drugs it also has many side effects .One such effect is that it hampers one’s driving.

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Apr 11

Effects of Marijuana Use

Effects of Marijuana Use

Effects of Marijuana Use

Regular consumption of marijuana, for an extensive period may lead to certain side effects. Given the fact that marijuana is a very trendy drug, the list of marijuana facts and marijuana myths is endless. There are certain very popular myths regarding marijuana. Some of these are that it is highly addictive; it can cause permanent damage to the brain and the like. Scientific studies have however failed to prove any of these conclusively. So, these remain myths. However one marijuana fact that can not be denied is that like other illicit substances like cocaine and heroine there are certain effects of marijuana which harm the body.


Mar 11

Can Marijuana Cause Cancer

Can Marijuana Cause Cancer

Can Marijuana Cause Cancer

Many people have used marijuana at least once in their life . Like all drugs marijuana too causes health problems. One important question that is often asked regarding the use of marijuana is “can marijuana cause cancer?”What is most alarming is the fact that according to very recent studies marijuana intake can promote cancer growth.

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Nov 10

Hemp production in Wisconsin

We all know that hemp can be used for many things such as clothing, wood, ropes, and even houses.  Well one state is recognizing that and that is the state of Wisconsin.  After the state Assembly considered an industrial hemp bill this year, we have to ask what that means for the people of that state.

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Oct 10

Latest cannabis research: a comprehensive outlook

Despite of having so many debates on the issue of legality of medical cannabis, this drug is making importance in the medical field. The latest research of cannabis proves the use of this plant in the field of medical science.  The latest research by national library of medicine proves that maximum states are allowing the use of this drug in medical fields. There are many specific diseases which are only treated with cannabis drug. Therefore, many states have made it legal to use the cannabis drug in the medical field. This research shows the importance of cannabis as a drug. In the clinical research, the therapeutic value of cannabis has been published in many news papers. These all researches concentrate to find out the use of the marijuana in the world of medical science. These researches explore the feature and property of fighting with disease of this drug.

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Oct 10

Preliminary marijuana forensic testing: points to consider

If you are going for the detection of marijuana drug, you should know some points and facts regarding marijuana forensic testing. The detection time of marijuana drug in urine is greater than in blood.  You can not determine the accurate information that whether an individual is under the influence of marijuana drugs or not in the urine drug test. On the other hand blood testing provides the accurate information regarding the effects of the marijuana drug. In marijuana forensic testing officers follow the specific complex procedures to check the availability of drug.  There are three reliable aspects of marijuana forensic testing- proper testing, strict testing, and random notification. Consumer wants to get the accurate information about the drug testing. One has to learn about all the basics of marijuana forensic testing.

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Oct 10

The Pot Book: A History of Marijuana

A psychiatrist, Julie Holland, has come out with a new collection of essays titled The Pot Book, which is about the history and science of marijuana.  Basically it’s about the plant itself.  She believes in the legalization of marijuana and talks about these issues in her book.

Julie has attended the NYU School of Medicine and has been an author before, but is bringing marijuana to light with this new book.  She didn’t want to put marijuana on the cover because she believes it is a political slur.  She said, “When they made alcohol legal, there were a lot of feds who were out of work and they decided to make cannabis illegal, right around that same time, 1937.”  She then talked about how cannabis was a medicine and that the doctors knew it was back then and use to prescribe it to their patients.

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Oct 10

Hemp protein powder has health benefits

Hemp protein is known to be a performance-enhancing supplement.  It provides a variety of health benefits to those who utilize its restorative properties.  After numerous studies hemp protein has become a supplement, which is utilized by sportsmen and women to repair muscle damage and improve performance.  It does this by boosting energy levels in a number of ways.

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Oct 10

US Statistics on Adult Marijuana Users

Below is a table that shows how many adults in the United States have ever smoked weed?  The survey breaks down the data by age categories and gives the percentage of the sample that answered yes or no the question.  Then they also calculate in how many people would say yes or no.

AGE GROUP Weighted N Percent of Population
18-25 years old 16,790,928 51.3%
26-34 years old 17,579,601 49.8%
35-49 years old 34,676,635 53.1%
50 or Older 26,869,808 30.1%
TOTAL 95,916,972 40.4%

If you can’t understand the chart or get confused you can look at it like this, if you see someone under age of fifty, flip a coin.  Tails they’ve smoked marijuana, Heads they haven’t.
