Drugs and music have gone hand in hand since the jazz of the 1920′s, but a recent study looks to see what genre contains the most drug references today.
Drugs and music have been psychologically linked since the beginning of time. In the American experience the the roots of this connection go back to the jazz clubs of the 1920′s. One of the reasons given for criminalizing marijuana was to protect white women form the influences of jazz. Comically, today jazz is considered to be a more high brow genre than rock or rap. The three big genres of music today are rock, rap and country. Of these three genres, which one do you think has the most drug influences? The truth is it’s impossible to tell. The Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine may give some indication, however, as they recently calculated the number of drug references per hour in modern music for each genre. Continue reading →
Mar 12
Drugs and Music Like Peanut Butter and Jelly
Oct 11
The Real Rastafarian
Most Americans only know Rastafarianism as Bob Marley, weed, and Jamaica. We delve deeper into what Rastafarianism’s true beliefs are.
America’s stoners love rastafarianism, but have no real idea what it is about. Most of our knowledge is limited to Bob Marley lyrics and calling weed ganja. Originally, Rastafarianism began in Jamaica during the 1930′s as a Christian Black pan-African movement. During the 1930′s King Haile Selassie was the last black monarch in Africa. Having defeated the Italian invasion in 1896, the Italians were threatening Ethiopia again in the 1930′s. The Rastafarian movement was born out of this threat to the last shred of African sovereignty. Rastas motivated all blacks as children of Africa to show loyalty to King Selassie. Continue reading →
Apr 11
Cannabis And Driving
Cannabis also known as marijuana is a very popular recreational drugs. However, driving under the influence of marijuana should be strictly avoided. According to the United Nations it is the most used illicit substance in the planet. One of the key marijuana facts is that like other drugs it also has many side effects .One such effect is that it hampers one’s driving.
Apr 11
Effects of Marijuana Use
Regular consumption of marijuana, for an extensive period may lead to certain side effects. Given the fact that marijuana is a very trendy drug, the list of marijuana facts and marijuana myths is endless. There are certain very popular myths regarding marijuana. Some of these are that it is highly addictive; it can cause permanent damage to the brain and the like. Scientific studies have however failed to prove any of these conclusively. So, these remain myths. However one marijuana fact that can not be denied is that like other illicit substances like cocaine and heroine there are certain effects of marijuana which harm the body.
Mar 11
Marijuana Myths Marijuana Facts
Since marijuana is the most commonly consumed illegal drug in the United States, there are several users across the world itself who are habitual or occasional users of marijuana, there are host of facts and considerations surrounding this drug and we must take a note of all kinds of marijuana facts before we succumb to conclusions. Although, marijuana belongs to a category that can cause a variety of harmful effects in the body, there are few facts and myths that surround users and people who complete refrain from such drugs and whether or not we consume marijuana, we must be aware of marijuana myths marijuana facts at all times.
Jan 11
What good is your state?
Interesting information, collected would be similar to the marijuana related map . It would be nice.
On this map only Rhode Island associated with marijuana , has the higest rate of marijuana use.
Click on image for full size view
Source: http://1bog.org/blog/whats-your-state-good-at/#more-12807
Dec 10
Weed business in Colorado: The Inside Story
Colorado – one of 14 states that allowed the medical use of marijuana. So here we are witnessing a boom of various companies engaged in the cultivation and distribution of weed.
8 photos © Jeff Riedel for TIME magazine
Dec 10
Drug in the law
Despite the joint efforts of different countries in the fight against drugs in each country – its peculiarities. Somewhere immediately executed even for the smell of marijuana, and somewhere a blind eye to the so-called soft drugs. Ten years ago, Canada became the first country in the world where the law allowed smoking marijuana for medical purposes. But to this day, this step gives rise to serious controversy in society. The more so because, despite this easing, Canada was not spared the problem of illegal cultivation, production, marketing and use of drugs.
Nov 10
Israelis and Jews and Marijuana
The consumption of marijuana for medical purposes was legalized in California in 1996. “Medical” marijuana is allowed in 13 states and the District of Columbia. Ed Rosenthal, a renowned expert on hemp, a columnist for the American magazine High Times, dedicated to this plant, began his campaign for the legalization of soft drugs in 1972.
Nov 10
Patients who experienced the healing properties of marijuana
Patients who experienced the healing properties of marijuana, told why they prefer cannabis to all other drugs.
Photographer Robin Twomey.