Prohibition, has anyone liked it? No one liked it when alcohol was made illegal, unless you were a gangster in the 1920’s as we can see on Boardwalk Empire, and even then it was sketchy. NY State has been spending huge amount of money to fight the war on pot. They are spending roughly $10-15 billion a year to keep this drug off the street. That is ludicrous when the revenue from taxing marijuana could produce $1.08 billion.
Oct 10
Ohio K-9 sniffs out hydroponics
Two men from Texas face felony drug charges after getting caught with 40 pounds of hydroponic marijuana in their vehicle. A trooper was making a routine traffic stop in Williams County, Ohio, when they had their dog alert to the marijuana in the vehicle.
This is common for patrol officers when observing criminal indicators. Their dog alerted handlers there were drugs in one of the two cars with Illinois registration.
Oct 10
Marijuana Scandal at Edmond schools
EDMOND — Edmond police accompanied by a drug dog have searched the Memorial and North high schools at Edmond this week and they found Marijuana in the school premises.
They had arrested in Memorial high school two students whereas one student was arrested in Edmond North High School. Memorial high school suspended four students from attending classes whereas North high schools suspended several students. This was stated by Edmond Public Schools associate superintendent, Brenda Lyons.
Sep 10
Millions spent on Marijuana Enforcement
A new report from the Cato Institute has said New Jersey spent about $183,039,000 and Pennsylvania spent about $190,445,000 on marijuana enforcement. That includes policing, prosecuting, and incarcerating marijuana offenses in 2008 alone.
This is why we should take that money we would normally spend on enforcement and use it for education or hospitals. The Cato white paper includes a state by state breakdown of drug prohibition and related costs. Through researching the current expenses could be projected into real-world savings, which could be given to state and municipalities so that we don’t have waste taxpayer money.
Sep 10
Landlord sued over Marijuana Plants
A man by the name of Gary Hite said he has a break-in due to his landlord’s failure to secure the building after an earlier burglary had happened. Hite said about $35,000 in marijuana crops were stolen from his home. Hite’s landlord is being sued for negligence and breach of contract.
Sep 10
US Drug Czars blasted by Dutch
ENCOD president Fredrick Polak blasted US drug czars saying that they misreprest the Dutch experience of marijuana coffee shops. He said this as a warning to Americans about removing cannabis from the black market.
A poll taken earlier in the year indicated that 50% of the Dutch think marijuana should be fully legalized. Even though coffee shops have dropped from 2,500 to only 700, then that’s okay. Coffee shops also reduce the number of police calls for incidents unlike bars or clubs.
Sep 10
Detroit voting in November
The people of Detroit will likely get to vote this November on a municipal measure to prohibit the criminal prosecution of adults who possess minor amounts of marijuana. Over 6,100 signatures have been collected for the Coalition for a Safer Detroit. The total is twice the number required by the law to place the law on the ballot.
Sep 10
Who Pays the Bill
Ballot initiatives have become a big money concern for themselves. Campaign spending dealing with a single initiative, such as marijuana reform, can reach tens of millions of dollars. Most initiatives reach the ballot as the result of paid signature gatherers, not volunteer efforts. People or groups who have a financial interest in the matter often sponsor them.
Sep 10
Baby boomers still love their Greens
According to the survey conducted in the past year about 4.7 percent of adults over the age of 50 have used some form of illicit drug in the past year. That’ percentage is about 4.3 million people. Forty-five percent of those reported used marijuana.
Sep 10
Arnold strikes Marijuana Initiative
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger not only has said he wants to create jobs and bring California’s economy back from this so called recession. Jobs in the state are absolutely critical to California, where 1 in 7 jobs are actually trade related. If California can legalize marijuana it can now engage in import and export of pot with Mexico the legal way if needed.