
Oct 10

MD Police Make History on Marijuana

Baltimore County police have just made history, but not the kind I think we’re all looking for.  They made one of the largest drug busts for the agency ever.  After a two-month investigation, narcotics detectives executed a search warrant at a warehouse down in Eastpoint.

Authorities said they recovered 478 marijuana plants, 640 pounds of processed marijuana and about $12,000.  They also seized all the equipment of the grow operation including lights, venting systems, and trucks.  The suspects were renting a warehouse at the location and built a two-story marijuana growing operation inside.  All three of the suspects arrested were living in the trailer in the warehouse.

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Oct 10

Chris Simms: Can you smell the Marijuana?

An NYPD cop on Thursday told the court that Chris Simms was “like a zombie” and reeked of marijuana when he was pulled over after making a “wild turn”.  Chris Simms, who is 29 and son of Giants legend Phil Simms, pleaded not guilty at the pre-trial hearing to driving while stoned.

Simms was busted at a DWI checkpoint after making a wild turn onto W. Houston St. early in the morning.  Simms’s wife Danielle was riding shotgun and was eight months pregnant at the time.

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Oct 10

Marin supervisors will vote Yes on Prop 19

Three Marin County supervisors will vote Yes on proposition 19 on November 2nd in California.  The rest of the county board ducked an official position on the proposal and says it will remain neutral.  Supervisors Steve Kinsey, Hal Brown, and Judy Arnold said they will support the marijuana plant allowing adults to possess an ounce of marijuana while imposing penalties on those who provide it to anyone under 21.

Kinsey simple put it, “Prohibition does no work.”  He went on to ask the questions, “Why are a third of Americans put in the position of being illegal?  Why is marijuana our largest cash crop?”

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Oct 10

New Zealand Marijuana growers evade police

The number of marijuana plants seized each year in New Zealand is only a “small portion” of those grown the police say.  If that is the case why don’t they legalize it so they don’t have to waste law enforcement looking for it?  Police say a rise in marijuana plant seizures since 2000 reflected an increase in illicit growers and targeted action.  Roughly 140,000 plants were seized throughout 2008-2009 in New Zealand, along with 1157 people being arrested.

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Oct 10

US Statistics on Adult Marijuana Users

Below is a table that shows how many adults in the United States have ever smoked weed?  The survey breaks down the data by age categories and gives the percentage of the sample that answered yes or no the question.  Then they also calculate in how many people would say yes or no.

AGE GROUP Weighted N Percent of Population
18-25 years old 16,790,928 51.3%
26-34 years old 17,579,601 49.8%
35-49 years old 34,676,635 53.1%
50 or Older 26,869,808 30.1%
TOTAL 95,916,972 40.4%

If you can’t understand the chart or get confused you can look at it like this, if you see someone under age of fifty, flip a coin.  Tails they’ve smoked marijuana, Heads they haven’t.


Oct 10

New study on mental health in the Netherlands

A new study is reporting that marijuana users are suffering from mental health problems twice as much as non-users.  Statistics Netherlands, the author of the study, surveyed almost 18,500 people over a two-year period from 2007 to 2009.  Of that group, 20 percent of male marijuana users said they have or were suffering form mental health issues, while on 10 percent of nonusers reported any type of mental problems.

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Oct 10

Hemp Truth: So Lets Legalize

Hemp prohibition is a political issue driven by big business interests and its time we turn these policies around through the system.  That’s why Prop. 19 should be a yes for everyone in California.  Here are some reasons what I call Hemp Truth:

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Oct 10

Marijuana March Down State Street in Madison

Does someone smell hemp?  Well if you were anywhere near State Street in Madison, Wisconsin on Sunday you probably did.  The smell filled the air along with hope around the state Capitol as hundreds of medical marijuana advocates marched down State Street into Madison’s downtown area.

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Oct 10

Is Oakland Sprouting out?

Have you heard about Hemp Evolution?  Well it’s an event that would be hard to find any city leaders at unless you attended this Sunday.  In Oakland, the city leaders came out to support publically the industrialization of medical marijuana.

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Oct 10

Price drops for Pot: Workers future can be hazy

If the price were to drop for marijuana due to the legalization of the drug, would the future jobs of marijuana workers be hazy?  According to the Rand Corporation they estimate that the price could drop more than 80 percent, bringing a joint to as low as $1.50 if the legalization occurs.  Of course this stirs up a debate over whether new legal marijuana business that will emerge will be sufficient to create and maintain well-paying jobs in the market place.

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