
Sep 10

1.8 Tons of Marijuana seized on the border

2800 pounds or 1.8 tons of marijuana was seized about 3miles away from the border by Tucson, Arizona.  2000 pounds is equal to 1 ton just incase anyone wanted to know the measurements.  The Forward Operation Base in the early hours of the morning spotted about 12 individuals on horseback as the first incident to happen.  Individuals with the horses cut loose the bags from the horses and started to flea back towards Mexico.  Agents then recovered 32 bundles of marijuana weighing more than 770 pounds in total and valuing about $620,000.

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Sep 10

Is Arizona next for Legalization of Medical Marijuana?

AZ Prop 203 is an important upcoming bill for the November 2nd ballot.  It will give the state of Arizona legalization of medical marijuana.  The bill calls for possession, growth, purchase, and use of marijuana to be approved by cardholders with a debilitating medical condition.

I think personally this is the first steps to legalization for AZ, since California is right there with Prop. 19 getting ready to fully legalize.  The bill proposed, Prop. 203, is designed to help patients get the medicine they need without having to worry if they will go to jail or not.

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Sep 10

Missoula Chamber panel examines the grey areas of Medical Marijuana in the workplace

There are lots of complexities and questions that medical marijuana has created in the work place.  A lot of grey areas or fine lines if you want to call it are the major concerns when it comes to the Montana work place.  Missoula Chamber of Commerce hosted a breakfast to discuss the issues surrounding the herb as a medicinal purpose and the workplace.

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Sep 10

Mayor Kelaher’s grandson charged on marijuana possession in Toms River

Thomas F. Kelaher’s, the mayor of Toms River, grandson was arrested after he was found with marijuana inside his 2001 Ford Explorer.  Investigators from the prosecutor’s Special Operations Group were the ones that arrested Daniel Thompson when they found the marijuana in his truck.  Daniel Thompson is 20 and lives on Magnolia Lane in Toms River.

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Sep 10

California Anit-Prop. 19 campaign backed by Beer Distributors

According to The Marijuana Policy Project the California beer and beverage distributors have given a $10,000 contribution to the campaign to fight against Prop. 19.

Steve Fox says, “Unless the beer distributors in California have suddenly developed a philosophical opposition to the use of intoxicating substances, the motivation behind this contribution is clear.” “Plain and simple, the alcohol industry is trying to kill the competion. They know that marijuana is less addictive, less toxic and less likely to be associated with violent behavior than alcohol. So they don’t want adults to have the option of using marijuana legally instead of alcohol. Their mission is to drive people to drink,” he went onto say.

The beer distributors don’t care how many of their consumers die of liver disease or car crashes each year. There business comes from distributing more alcohol so they can’t have people drinking less or they would lose profit. Sometimes you need to give the public what they want just like when they wanted alcohol prohibition to end.

Even though some law enforcement supports the Prop. 19, some still oppose it by arguing, ‘We have enough problems with alcohol, we don’t need to add another intoxication substance to the mix,’ implying that cannabis is just as bad as alcohol,’ Steve Fox said in a statement.

NORML has been seeking for marijuana reform for over a decade was disturbed by this news and has become very interested in the matter. Now cannabis activists are taking their protests further due to being disgusted with the way the alcohol lobby is acting.

Even a retired California Judge and Law Enforcement Against Prohibition spokesman, Jim Gray, has said the companies of the alcohol industry are being smart. What he said was, “It was really wise thing to do from a merchandising standpoint to reaffirm the distinction between a legal and an illegal drug.” He then said, “They are protecting their own economic self interest.”

Proposition 19 has many enemies but overall will prevail from cannabis propaganda. It is a new time and the truth can no longer be put in the dark for major political people with deep pockets. Cannabis is a safer alternative to alcohol and other over the counter drugs and the companies against this law know it.


Sep 10

Oregon Café with Oregon NORML support closes

A world famous café in Oregon called the Cannabis Café closed only being open for 6 months.  Supported by NORML the business owner of the café and the Oregon chapter didn’t see eye to eye so he was force to close the business.  At this café people can get donated medicine, play pool, shuffleboard, air hockey, and other games.  It also provided members free of charge with wifi and reading materials.  It was a four thousand square foot Café, which some would consider a home away from home. They even included movie night, BBQ events, and parties for certain holidays.  It was the only location of its kind in the state to offer such amenities with a provided medical card.  In the video below you can see the business owner disappointed that he will have to close his location.

Cannabis Cafe Closes, Oregon NORML to Open New Location


Sep 10

Medical Marijuana patients need to be protected from State, Federal Laws

Federally, marijuana is a Schedule I drug determined by Congress and has no accepted medical marijuana uses in the United States.  So in 40 years the governments policy has not changed. Every type of use is considered to be illegal and punishable by a fine and imprisonment.

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Sep 10

Five-year prison sentenced handed out to Marc Emery in US

Most of you know him as the Prince of Pot, but his real name is Marc Emery.  He is a well-known Canadian marijuana activist and he is the founder of Cannabis Culture Magazine.  On September 10, 2010 a federal judge sentenced him to five years behind bars in a US prison for selling marijuana seeds.

He has been targeted by the DEA for his activism and efforts to support groups that want the legalization of pot.  His fate was sealed when in a Seattle courtroom he made a plea deal with US prosecutors for selling marijuana seeds.  The overall sentencing was short; Marc himself made a final statement to the court shortly after remarks were made by government prosecutor Todd Greenberg and Marc’s attorney Richard Troberman.

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Sep 10

T.I. and Wife Arrested on Drug Charges

LOS ANGELES (CBS/AP) T.I. the Grammy-winning rapper was arrested along with his wife, Tameka “Tiny” Cottle on charges of taking drugs. The police arrested them when they smelt marijuana from his car. He was still on probation after spending time behind bars on gun charges.

Los Angeles deputy Mark Pope told the Associated Press that the arrest was made on Wednesday night in West Hollywood for possession of a controlled substance during a traffic stop.

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Sep 10

Mexican blogs on Drug War

The authorities in Mexico celebrate this week their anti-narcotics campaign with the capture of the kingpin Edgar ‘La Barbie’ Villarreal whereas many Mexicans are glued to Narcotube to find out inside information.

The drug violence in Mexico for the past four years has taken a toll of 28,000 lives. Nowadays people use twitter extensively to communicate with their loved and dear ones regarding the neighborhoods that they should avoid.

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