In some parts of the world growing of marijuana is considered legal, in case the same is done for medical use and quite obviously some people strive to find out the best marijuana seeds. While marijuana is best known as a recreational drug it has been claimed that it has considerable medical value and is utilized in the treatment of diseases like lung cancer,breast cancer,arthritis and the like. Hence there is a great demand for marijuana in the world. For better cultivation one thus needs the knowledge about the best marijuana seeds.
Aug 11
Best Marijuana Seeds
Jul 11
Cheap Marijuana Seeds
Marijuana is a drug that is widely cultivated in the world, particularly in Latin American countries is major producers of this drug and source of cheap marijuana seeds. Marijuana generates very high revenue for these countries. There is a great demand for marijuana particularly in North America. So marijuana cultivation is a quick way to earn big bucks.
Nov 10
Hemp production in Wisconsin
We all know that hemp can be used for many things such as clothing, wood, ropes, and even houses. Well one state is recognizing that and that is the state of Wisconsin. After the state Assembly considered an industrial hemp bill this year, we have to ask what that means for the people of that state.
Oct 10
Enemies of Marijuana
When growing marijuana you have to take into consideration that you may have some enemies. I’m not talking about the boys in blue either. Although you have to worry about the police for now, animals can also be a problem.
If you don’t have a fence around your grow area, the deer or other large animals will like to frequently devour the young transplants. Also burrowing animals like to bother your plants as well. If this happens you may have to resort to gopher pellets to keep them away.
Sep 10
Industry Facts of Hemp
Products that can be made from hemp number over 25,000
Construction products such as medium density fiber board, oriented strand board, and even beams, studs and posts could be made out of hemp. This is due to hemp’s long fibers, which make the products stronger and/or lighter than those of wood.
Sep 10
Pot Butter why not!
Pot butter is the best way to cook. It allows you the freedom to eat your marijuana without having to worry about biting into the stems or any seeds. The other great thing about pot butter is it allows you to use it in any recipe that uses butter. So be creative when cooking meals or deserts for your self to enjoy.
Sep 10
Indian Affairs help bust Marijuana crop on trust land
The Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Justice Services Division of Drug Enforcement helped Caddo County Oklahoma Sheriff’s Office in the discovery of a drug operation by a leaseholder looking for lost livestock. The land was being lease near Carnegie, Okla.
Aug 10
Are You Aware Of The Advantages Of Hemp Plants?
Really, it is a question to ask. There is so much to tell that, in reality, there should be a marijuana growers’ handbook because hemp plants carry hundreds of advantages. Hemp is a wonder-plant, in reality. Plastic products can be made out of the hemp seed oil.
The fiber quality of hemp is much higher than that of the wood. Therefore, hemp should be preferred to make paper as it doesn’t go yellow as well. To add to it, the hemp plant has a very rapid growth.
Jul 10
How hemp helps restore soil fertility
Hemp is a wonder crop that helps to restore soil fertility in many ways. It requires very little fertilizers and no pesticides. It increases the microbial content of the soil. It also prevents weeds from growing near it. Its deep roots help to hold the soil together and prevent soil erosion. The stem and leaves of the hemp plant can be returned to the soil to rejuvenate the soil, leading to a richer crop the following year. Indeed, hemp is a super plant when it comes to its environmentally friendly properties.