
Aug 10

Paris Hilton arrested for possession of marijuana

Paris Hilton was arrested late on Friday after a car she was riding in ran over a Las Vegas police, who noticed smoke after a car. After realizing that the smoke from marijuana, police searched for Paris Hilton and found a substance that subsequently identified as cocaine. Paris Hilton was arrested for cocaine possession, and spent the night in the Clark County Detention Center.

She was released Saturday morning on her own recognizance. The driver was charged with driving under the influence of drugs. A large crowd formed shortly after the car was stopped on Friday evening, and the audience began to realize that Paris Hilton has caused unrest.

This was not the first brush with the law Hilton for drug or alcohol abuse. She was arrested this summer in South Africa at the World Cup on suspicion of possession of marijuana, and before the alcohol-related reckless driving charges in 2007.


Aug 10

Medical Marijuana in Israel

Marijuana/Cannabis is known not only drugs but also medicine, for example, in cases where the care required to treat depression and panic states, or weaken the harmful effects of chemotherapy. In Israel today marijuana legally receive about 2,000 people. Up to a certain point-for-profit organization “Chikun Olam” dealing with medical marijuana, supplied the people of Israel it is free, but now she will be forced to ask patients to pay for the Israelis supplied them the drug. Such a decision in the “Chikun Olam” came as a result of forced necessity.

Following reports of an apparent admission of medical marijuana in the basket of drugs, the number of queries about getting her dose increased by more than 500%! Thus, we can talk about forty thousands of Israelis who would be required marijuana. In “Chikun Olam” were simply unable to meet such requests for free. Therefore, since the beginning of the week all the Israelis who need medical marijuana will have to make a lump-sum payment of $ 116-Tee shekels (about $ 30), for administrative expenses, as well as monthly pay 360 shekels (about $ 100) . In this case, the number of people who need marijuana to grow and the fee for this natural drug . The organization “Chikun Olam” declare that they understand: this policy will result in resentment many Israelis, however, if the organization does not receive subsidized marijuana, the people of Israel would have to pay for it over a thousand shekels every month.  And, buying marijuana illegally, the Israelis would pay more money, though the quality of “street” marijuana is much less of marijuana, specifically for medical purposes.

“On the street” marijuana is much less. Not looking to fight the police with the spread of this drug, cannabis smoking too many. So, cultivate “a legal marijuana”. In the photo, frame company “Chikun Olam”, located in northern Israel.

Photo REUTERS/Nir Elias



Aug 10

Marijuana News: Latest Studies and Research

Since day one, marijuana has been an aid of the human race. Marijuana has proved to be man’s friends on more than one occasion. Therefore, to check what does marijuana hold more than what we know, marijuana testing is always underway.  There have been constant studies and researches in the cannabis world and newer conclusions are coming forward.

Some of the latest marijuana news shows that it is more harmful that we thought it to be. This is quite shocking evidence. But what is the reality behind the curtains? Let us explore the facts.

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Jul 10

Medical Marijuana Industry in Michigan Continues to Boom Even During Recession

Today, we hear the world recession everywhere around the world. It is a word that resounds with its enormous implications. Recession is all about suffering economies and a hard struggle for everyone, no matter which strata of society they are from.

Understandably, during these trying times, the economy of Detroit seriously suffers just like every other state in America and like every other country around the world. But, surprisingly, there is one industry that continues to boom, not really affected by recession.

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Jul 10

Don’t Treat All Marijuana Users The Same Way, says Study

The latest Canadian study foresees problems with standardizing criminalization of all marijuana users and says that the initiative must replace the one-size-fits-all treatment. This drive addresses users who smoke heavy and are all set to face problems.

According to Benedikt Fischer, a professor at the Simon Fraser University Health Sciences, their argument was to adopt a customized approach recognizing the fact that only very few people were affected by cannabis use. A fair majority of marijuana smokers do not face any problems according to him. Benedict insists that this study does not argue for legalizing marijuana.

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Jul 10

Smoking pot is not a taboo anymore!

According to a Federal survey, many baby boomers enjoy taking a couple or more puffs and smoking pot is definitely not a serious taboo anymore. This is evident in the case of Joe Lee, a 62 year old dealer of vintage records from Rockville. As a student, he started smoking pot and continued to do so for four decades. He still continues to take a few puffs a day when he wants to relax and enjoy with friends and says it is just for fun and nothing else.

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Jul 10

11 Reasons to Legalize Cannabis in Canada

Marijuana is going to be legalized soon in California and this is presently a hot topic of discussion in Canada. Canada has the role of showing way for others by reversing archaic thinking and prohibition.

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