Are there any side effects of regular marijuana use?

The side effects that will be caused with regular marijuana use are as given below.

  1. Hallucinations – are caused by excessive smoking of Marijuana.
  2. It has some of the alcohol’s depressant and non-inhibiting properties. User reaction, however, is heavily influenced by expectations and past experience, and many first-time users feel nothing at all.
  3. The smoking effects are – dry mouth and throat, increased heart rate, impaired coordination and balance, delayed reaction time, and diminished short-term memory. Moderate doses tend to induce a sense of well-being and a dreamy state of relaxation that encourages fantasies, renders some users highly suggestible, and distorts perception. Stronger doses prompt more intense and often disturbing reactions including paranoia and hallucinations.
  4. Using Marijuana might cause reduction in your ability to learn. Research has concluded that marijuana limits the capacity to absorb and retain information.
  5. If you are a chronic marijuana smoker, you might get chest colds, emphysema, bronchitis, and bronchial asthma. Your lungs and airways will be damaged due to continuous marijuana use and you might be affected by cancer. The capability for fighting infection and disease by your immune system will also be limited.
  6. Marijuana is likely to affect your hormones. Regular marijuana use could delay the puberty onset in young men and also their sperm production could be reduced. If women take marijuana their monthly menstrual cycles might get disrupted and inhibit ovulation. The new born babies will be affected if pregnant women use marijuana regularly; these babies will be small with low weight and they are likely to develop health problems. Some studies have established that there are delays in development in children who are exposed to marijuana before birth.

The dangers in regular Marijuana use are as follows.

  • Anxiety, paranoia and panic attacks
  • Damage to the respiratory, reproductive, and immune systems
  • Diminished short-term memory
  • Diminished inhibitions
  • Increased heart rate
  • Impaired judgment
  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased risk of accidents
  • Increased risk of cancer
  • Loss of concentration and coordination
  • Loss of motivation
  • Psychological dependency

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