Marijuana Laws

Aug 11

Rick Perry Will Turn On Medical Marijuana

Texas Governor Rick Perry has been a strong defender of states’ rights.  The only exception to this rule seems to be when not supporting what will get him elected.

Rick Perry Will Turn on Medical Marijuana

Texas Governors seem to have a way of ending up President.  We know all too well the story of our former Governor/President George W. Bush.  After his term in office one would think the people would need a break before electing another Governor from Texas, but perhaps not.  The current Texas Governor, Rick Perry, is positioning himself for a serious run for the White House.  Perry has made a name for himself as a leading advocate of states’ rights.  His recent book Fed Up is entirely about the Federal Government overstepping its role in all areas.  With his history of supporting a state’s right to choose, his support of medical marijuana makes sense.

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Aug 11

Private Prisons: Leeching off the Drug War

One little talked about aspect of the drug war is the narco-industrial complex that has developed in this country. With states increasingly turning over management of their corrections institutions to private companies, what stake do they have in maintaining the drug war?

Private Prisons: Leeching off the Drug War

Everyone has seen lives ruined by the war on drugs. Crack babies with no chance at a normal life, working professional’s careers destroyed for simple possession, and the like are all well documented. What does not get at much media attention are the lives made by the war on drugs. From the DEA on down there is an entire narco-industrial complex that generates billions off the war on drugs. Two of the biggest corporate sponsors of the drug war are the GEO Group and Corrections Corporation of America.

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Jul 11

California Marijuana Laws

California Marijuana Laws

California Marijuana Laws

Drug laws in US differ from state to state and a great variance can be noticed amongst the penalties that are prescribed by different states for the same offence. Amongst the states that have relaxed laws in place for marijuana usage, the state of California comes across as a very liberal one especially when its laws are compared to Alabama marijuana laws or US marijuana laws that are applicable on the federal level.

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Jul 11

US Congress Introduces Federal Medical Marijuana Statutes

In an amazing feat of clarity, the United States Congress is considering not one but four new pro-marijuana laws.

Medical Marijuana Statutes

Bills in favor of relaxing the drug war have come before congress before. They are far between and usually dismissed without debate. Times have changed, however, as the US Congress is now considering several new bills including: HR 1983 The Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act, HR 1984 The Small Business Banking Improvement Act of 2011, RD 1985 The Small Business Tax Equality Act of 2011, and HR 1831 The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011. Never before have so many anti-drug war bills come before the house in rapid succession. Never before have these bills garnered serious debate. As Obama said, however, these days drug legalization is worth of serious debate. Continue reading →


Jul 11

California Medical Marijuana Laws

California Medical Marijuana Laws

California Medical Marijuana Laws

Marijuana is a widely consumed recreational drugs in the world. It is used by quite a number people in the world. Like other drugs it is harmful to health. But is creating waves today is the medical properties of marijuana. It is reported that marijuana possesses a number of medical properties that are quite effective in treatment of a number of ailments. In the USA Laws were quite strict regarding marijuana use. But since the early seventies there has been a greater demand for its legalization for medical purposes. At present sixteen American states have legalized marijuana’s medical use and California is one of them.


Jun 11

Maryland Marijuana Laws

Maryland Marijuana Laws

Maryland Marijuana Laws

The state of Maryland allows the medical use of marijuana, joining 14 other US states in doing so. According to Maryland marijuana laws, if any person arrested for possessing marijuana, then the court is bound by the law to consider the defendants medical necessity before deciding on a sentence. If it is proven in court that the person was using the marijuana for medical purposes then he will be charged with a maximum of $100 in fine.


Jun 11

Massachusetts Marijuana Laws

Massachusetts Marijuana Laws

Massachusetts Marijuana Laws

Marijuana is the world most used illicit substance ; in other words it makes people do what they aren’t supposed to do and it is good at it. It has been banned by federal law in United states since 1970. But many states have since decided in changing their stand on the drugs. more than sixteen states have decided to allow use of marijuana for medicinal purposes while more than a dozen allow marijuana to be grown and used for recreational purposes within the control of state laws. States like California have already taken a  very liberal stand on marijuana. California boasts of nearly 14million $ marijuana industry making weed the biggest cash crop in the state. Lets take a look at what laws are present in some other states.


May 11

Florida Marijuana Laws

Florida Marijuana Laws

Florida Marijuana Laws

While marijuana is still a banned substance at a federal level, state law regarding its consumption has seen some relaxation in many states. Marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug by the federal marijuana laws .Accordingly it is considered to be highly addictive and of no medical use. Heavy penalties are rewarded if one is found with marijuana. In the USA marijuana laws differ from state to state. While some states like California are quite liberal, states like Florida have very strict marijuana laws.

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May 11

Federal Marijuana Laws

Federal Marijuana Laws

Federal Marijuana Laws

The US federal marijuana laws are amongst the stringent legal strictures that govern the usage of marijuana across the country. While many states have eased restrictions on marijuana usage, the federal laws remain rigid. At a federal level, marijuana is a banned substance. As the United States is a federation there are different laws regarding marijuana in different states. Under the USA marijuana laws there are federal laws as well as state laws. Marijuana’s medical use has been legalized in 16 states and not in all states. Federal laws have not legalized the medical use of marijuana. Similarly, marijuana laws in certain states are quite lenient like California whereas quite strict in places like Alabama and Florida. In USA marijuana laws are not uniform. Prohibition of cannabis started from the 1906 in many states of the United States. The Uniform State Narcotic Drugs Act came to regulate marijuana use from the mid 1930′s.


Jan 11

State Marijuana Law – Thousands Comments

Arizona - Medical Marijuana Law

Arizona - Medical Marijuana Law

One month has passed since officials began seeking community comment and opinion for Arizona’s new medical marijuana law and the state has received thousands of responses. On the Department of Health Services (DHS) site , a draft of the policy for medical cannabis has been posted since December 17. There’s also a sector to suggest comments, issues and ideas.

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