Marijuana Use and Arthritis

More than 30 million people are known to suffer from arthritis according to last estimations, arthritis being a condition in which your joints become incapable of being used. Thus the arthritis sufferers see themselves as being forced into being confined to do more static things than they would normally do before the illness. Nowadays, medical research have found relevant treatments, but normally most of them rely on pain killers or supplements which help with building back the damaged cartilages. Many sufferers from arthritis have dug up the fact of marijuana, being a natural narcotic extracted from cannabis plant, can be utilized into the medical treatment for reducing the pain. High per cent of controversy has been built on the fact that despite the marijuana use is considered to be the way of dicease treatment,  at the same time it is also the way of relaxation that can become an addiction and as a result to lead to harmful effects.

Marijuana use is known to be illegal in the chain of countries across the world, and therefore it is difficult to get marijuana, even if it can be used as a medical treatment also. Once it is obtained, people face the risk of finding themselves in a jail. Some researches have been conducted to find out about the effects of marijuana use when suffering from arthritis and trying the medical treatment of this condition.  Marijuana use can bring an addiction and become a harmful habit, though even in the case of positive answer, it can still be considered as an alternative to the cures that exist. There is a common belief that marijuana use only creates addiction within teenagers and young adults group.  However, there is a large number of people who suffer from arthritis and use marijuana attempting to reduce the pain. Many people also prefer the marijuana use as an optional way to help them in reducing the pain and keep the independence instead of imposing other people  to assist them with the daily tasks. Choosing this option, they can adapt to themselves to normal life and enjoy their life despite of the fact of having an arthritis.

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