Film looks at Medical Marijuana Debate

We all love films, especially when were high.  We love the films that make us laugh, cry, and just make us warm and cozy.  Well there is a film coming to the Salem Cinema, which looks at the debate on medical marijuana in Oregon.

A film, “Waiting to Inhale: Marijuana, Medicine and the Law,” will touch on the debate behind Oregon’s Measure 74 on the November 2nd ballot.  The film was held today at the Salem Cinema at 5:30 p.m. and is free for all to view.  Hopefully some of you took part in this, especially in Oregon or just to educate yourself.

Post-film discussion included Elvy Musikka, a federal medical marijuana patient, and filmmaker Jed Riffe.  Oregon allows the use of medical marijuana along with 14 other states.  Arizona and South Dakota have ballot measures November 2nd.  Measure 74 on Oregon’s Nov. 2nd ballot would enable the state to license dispensaries for medical marijuana.  The current law allows a patient or designated caregiver to grow it, but not to purchase it.

I wish I could have been there to see this debate on film.  I love anything that will give me more information and knowledge to fight the fight.  Marijuana should be legalized, especially for medicinal purposes.

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