Pass Drug Test Marijuana Detox

Pass Drug Test Marijuana Detox

Pass Drug Test Marijuana Detox

Marijuana is a substance which can really alter the way you live and gravely affect your behaviour both on professional and personal grounds. This is the reason why more and more companies are insisting on Marijuana testing during their recruitment procedures. Today even parents and other authorities are pushing for tests to be conducted on their children or subordinates. Irrespective of your stand on marijuana and its usage it’s always better to have a clear understanding on how these tests work and how to tackle them.

Pass a Drug Test With MBDetox

Pass a Drug Test With MBDetox

The procedure
Usually marijuana detection tests are conducted on body fluids only. This can mean that you can be tested by your urine, saliva or blood. Saliva tests are the least accurate and useful as THC traces in saliva can start disappearing just after 12 hours of marijuana usage. These traces remain much longer in urine. Blood testing is the most costly but accurate method of marijuana drug testing. Yet another method for testing is hair follicle testing which= can trace back the usage of drugs to as far as three months or so. This method works on the theory that as hair grows on a person the marijuana used by him or her will be encased in their hair shaft. The procedures for collecting urine, blood, saliva or hair are the same as for any common laboratory test.
The results
In common scenarios the samples are sent to the lab where they are tested for various drugs including marijuana. Sometimes in rare cases the test can also end up being a false positive which happens to be a wrong result when another drug similar to marijuana is found in the sample. But these are very rare occurrences and that too only in case of urine tests. The drug tests will depend on the amount of THC or THC metabolites found in your system. The normal allowed level is 50nanograms of THC per millilitre of urine. If you exceed this limit you are tested positive and thus identified as a marijuana user.
Important things
Though the best way to pass a drug test is to never use the drug at all, there are ways of assuring oneself a crystal clear test result is by detoxifying the body before the test. The tests can detect the drug in body within certain time limits only. But this also depends on your frequency and dose of marijuana usage. For example a onetime usage may show up in a urine sample only within 12-15 hours but a regular user’s sample will have the traces for as long as three to four weeks. The best way to pass marijuana test is preparing by self (home) testing often. Keep a self check and be prepared before the original test. Good news for the lean guys is that THC is removed out of a lean guys system much faster than that of a fat guy as their metabolism is much faster and also THC finds no place to store itself in lean bodies. Marijuana detoxification is an essential part of self discipline too.
Marijuana detox
Detox is nothing but the medical process through which the body cleanses itself of any toxin. In terms of drugs this is the first step in proper de-addiction. The detox can be natural or administered. Natural detox though not too efficient is fairly easily for small time users and new addicts. It involves drinking lots of water and strenuous exercise and loads of other methods which do not require medicines or other external aids. In proper detoxifications that take place at rehab centres the patient is helped both mentally and physically to overcome the craving for the drug and cleanse his body of THC. This is done under the careful vigil of medical professionals. The patients are given proper medications and then given psychological support for getting them through the pressures of withdrawal symptoms that the patient experiences completely. Marijuana detox is always successful in getting the patients system clean but complete rehabilitation programme is needed to averse him from returning to old smoking ways.

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