
Sep 10

Baby boomers still love their Greens

According to the survey conducted in the past year about 4.7 percent of adults over the age of 50 have used some form of illicit drug in the past year.  That’ percentage is about 4.3 million people.  Forty-five percent of those reported used marijuana.

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Sep 10

California Anit-Prop. 19 campaign backed by Beer Distributors

According to The Marijuana Policy Project the California beer and beverage distributors have given a $10,000 contribution to the campaign to fight against Prop. 19.

Steve Fox says, “Unless the beer distributors in California have suddenly developed a philosophical opposition to the use of intoxicating substances, the motivation behind this contribution is clear.” “Plain and simple, the alcohol industry is trying to kill the competion. They know that marijuana is less addictive, less toxic and less likely to be associated with violent behavior than alcohol. So they don’t want adults to have the option of using marijuana legally instead of alcohol. Their mission is to drive people to drink,” he went onto say.

The beer distributors don’t care how many of their consumers die of liver disease or car crashes each year. There business comes from distributing more alcohol so they can’t have people drinking less or they would lose profit. Sometimes you need to give the public what they want just like when they wanted alcohol prohibition to end.

Even though some law enforcement supports the Prop. 19, some still oppose it by arguing, ‘We have enough problems with alcohol, we don’t need to add another intoxication substance to the mix,’ implying that cannabis is just as bad as alcohol,’ Steve Fox said in a statement.

NORML has been seeking for marijuana reform for over a decade was disturbed by this news and has become very interested in the matter. Now cannabis activists are taking their protests further due to being disgusted with the way the alcohol lobby is acting.

Even a retired California Judge and Law Enforcement Against Prohibition spokesman, Jim Gray, has said the companies of the alcohol industry are being smart. What he said was, “It was really wise thing to do from a merchandising standpoint to reaffirm the distinction between a legal and an illegal drug.” He then said, “They are protecting their own economic self interest.”

Proposition 19 has many enemies but overall will prevail from cannabis propaganda. It is a new time and the truth can no longer be put in the dark for major political people with deep pockets. Cannabis is a safer alternative to alcohol and other over the counter drugs and the companies against this law know it.


Sep 10

Mexican blogs on Drug War

The authorities in Mexico celebrate this week their anti-narcotics campaign with the capture of the kingpin Edgar ‘La Barbie’ Villarreal whereas many Mexicans are glued to Narcotube to find out inside information.

The drug violence in Mexico for the past four years has taken a toll of 28,000 lives. Nowadays people use twitter extensively to communicate with their loved and dear ones regarding the neighborhoods that they should avoid.

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Sep 10

Avoid the myths about marijuana usage: Go for some marijuana education

A number of marijuana myths are floating around amongst people regarding marijuana and these people must have marijuana education in understanding the real picture.

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Sep 10

Are you aware of the concept of medical marijuana clubs?

Medical marijuana clubs – this term is normally used for describing an organization that provides medical marijuana to patients on the recommendations given by a physician. This is known by other alternate names and these are – buyers’ club, collective, caregivers’ club, cooperative, farm, dispensary, holistic health center, non-profit resource center, pot club, and store and wellness center.

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Sep 10

Are there any side effects of regular marijuana use?

The side effects that will be caused with regular marijuana use are as given below.

  1. Hallucinations – are caused by excessive smoking of Marijuana.
  2. It has some of the alcohol’s depressant and non-inhibiting properties. User reaction, however, is heavily influenced by expectations and past experience, and many first-time users feel nothing at all.
  3. The smoking effects are – dry mouth and throat, increased heart rate, impaired coordination and balance, delayed reaction time, and diminished short-term memory. Moderate doses tend to induce a sense of well-being and a dreamy state of relaxation that encourages fantasies, renders some users highly suggestible, and distorts perception. Stronger doses prompt more intense and often disturbing reactions including paranoia and hallucinations.
  4. Using Marijuana might cause reduction in your ability to learn. Research has concluded that marijuana limits the capacity to absorb and retain information.
  5. If you are a chronic marijuana smoker, you might get chest colds, emphysema, bronchitis, and bronchial asthma. Your lungs and airways will be damaged due to continuous marijuana use and you might be affected by cancer. The capability for fighting infection and disease by your immune system will also be limited.
  6. Marijuana is likely to affect your hormones. Regular marijuana use could delay the puberty onset in young men and also their sperm production could be reduced. If women take marijuana their monthly menstrual cycles might get disrupted and inhibit ovulation. The new born babies will be affected if pregnant women use marijuana regularly; these babies will be small with low weight and they are likely to develop health problems. Some studies have established that there are delays in development in children who are exposed to marijuana before birth.

The dangers in regular Marijuana use are as follows.

  • Anxiety, paranoia and panic attacks
  • Damage to the respiratory, reproductive, and immune systems
  • Diminished short-term memory
  • Diminished inhibitions
  • Increased heart rate
  • Impaired judgment
  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased risk of accidents
  • Increased risk of cancer
  • Loss of concentration and coordination
  • Loss of motivation
  • Psychological dependency

Sep 10

The Effects of Smoking Marijuana

The significant number of experts have reached the conclusion that marijuana use on regular basis and its long term effects can appear and
develop in different forms inside your body, both mentally and physically. One of the marijuana use effects is to occur in the lungs.
Though, the most common reasons would apply to the fact of smoking and inhaling a certain amount of smoke inside your lungs on a regular basis.
The latest studies being performed on this matter have proven the effect after the marijuana cigarette is five (5) times stronger in comparison
to the case when tabacco cigarette had been smoked. The reason is the following: significant number of the marijuana users have not used the
help of a filter.

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Aug 10

Medical Marijuana in Israel

Marijuana/Cannabis is known not only drugs but also medicine, for example, in cases where the care required to treat depression and panic states, or weaken the harmful effects of chemotherapy. In Israel today marijuana legally receive about 2,000 people. Up to a certain point-for-profit organization “Chikun Olam” dealing with medical marijuana, supplied the people of Israel it is free, but now she will be forced to ask patients to pay for the Israelis supplied them the drug. Such a decision in the “Chikun Olam” came as a result of forced necessity.

Following reports of an apparent admission of medical marijuana in the basket of drugs, the number of queries about getting her dose increased by more than 500%! Thus, we can talk about forty thousands of Israelis who would be required marijuana. In “Chikun Olam” were simply unable to meet such requests for free. Therefore, since the beginning of the week all the Israelis who need medical marijuana will have to make a lump-sum payment of $ 116-Tee shekels (about $ 30), for administrative expenses, as well as monthly pay 360 shekels (about $ 100) . In this case, the number of people who need marijuana to grow and the fee for this natural drug . The organization “Chikun Olam” declare that they understand: this policy will result in resentment many Israelis, however, if the organization does not receive subsidized marijuana, the people of Israel would have to pay for it over a thousand shekels every month.  And, buying marijuana illegally, the Israelis would pay more money, though the quality of “street” marijuana is much less of marijuana, specifically for medical purposes.

“On the street” marijuana is much less. Not looking to fight the police with the spread of this drug, cannabis smoking too many. So, cultivate “a legal marijuana”. In the photo, frame company “Chikun Olam”, located in northern Israel.

Photo REUTERS/Nir Elias



Aug 10

Do You Know The Advantages Of Medical Marijuana Cards?

Medical marijuana has its own advantages. It is considered as one of the best medicines in its field. However, trying out medical marijuana is a thing to be done with care. On the other hand, having marijuana cards is also equally important as marijuana is still not made one hundred per cent legal.

Let us have look at what advantages do marijuana cards hold?

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Aug 10

How to Avoid Marijuana Addictions: Important Points to Consider

Addiction to anything is always going to be harmful. Then how can be marijuana addiction be any different? Many know that marijuana can be smoked like a cigarette or eaten like tobacco. A good lot of people consider this as harmless as having our daily bread and butter.

No matter what, marijuana does have its side-effects and that’s the primary reason why it is banned in many countries and is declared as illegal. Remember, having marijuana is different for medical reasons. However, marijuana addiction can prove lethal to the human reproductive system.

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