Drug Testing

Sep 10

Home remedies for passing a marijuana drug test

Some of the home remedies for passing a marijuana drug test are as follows.

  1. Take apple cider vinegar number of times. Also take multi-vitamin tablets in the night and morning before the marijuana drug test. Take 4-5 shots of the vinegar all at once and follow it up with 2 liters of water. Urinate 2 to 3 times before you take the test.
  2. Take Vitamin B complex 48 hours prior to taking the drug test. Do not skip your meals and avoid taking salt in larger quantities. Drink lots of water and make sure that you urinate at least 6 to 8 times prior to taking the test. Take detox agents like detox teas, supplements and 1 or 2 aspirin with each meal. Avoid testing in the morning because the urine collected first in the morning contains maximum toxins in it.
  3. Some doctors recommend usage of Goldenseal root to clean the toxins from your kidney and bladder. Take a Goldenseal supplement everyday along with Echinacea which boosts your metabolism. Avoid Fatty foods because THC is stored in your fat. Drink warm tea or coffee with a daily vitamin before the marijuana drug test along with Goldenseal root and Echinacea every day.
  4. Drinking too much of water results in water toxicity. Hence initially you must drink detox solution or fake urine before taking lots of water. Some shops do sell synthetic and high quality urine that passes most of the tests. Drinking bleach, tomato juice etc. could harm you.
  5. Purchase pectin from the grocery store, mix it with water and drink. Pectin is normally required to jell various foods, drugs, and cosmetics. In order to make marijuana drug test effective you must stop taking marijuana as early as possible and also drink maximum quantity of water.
  6. Purchase from the grocery store SureGell which is a gellatin and mix it with 20 oz of water and drink. Eat greasy food and also take 20 oz of any drink you like. Check yourself with a drug testing kit before you go for regular test.

Sep 10

How to go for marijuana detoxification for beating drug test?

THC Test Basics

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main psychoactive substance found in Marijuana. THC urine test is normally used for random tests and is an inexpensive testing method. Labs mix chemicals with the urine specimen or use test strips to test it.

50ng/mL of THC metabolites has been defined by NIDA as the presumptive positive. This means that the THC content in your urine must be less than 50ng/mL and need not be zero.

Period of stay of Marijuana in Your System

This is dependent on the individual and it is very difficult to say exactly how long THC will stay. The half life of THC concentration ranges between about 1 to 10 days. If you use marijuana rarely your urine may be clean of metabolites in less than a week. A chronic user with a high tolerance is likely to eliminate drugs quicker than an occasional user. The first step of marijuana detoxification for beating drug test is to stop marijuana and buy the test kits and test self until the day of official testing.

Other Solutions

  1. Urine Substitution – If your test is not supervised buy synthetic urine and substitute your urine by it. This is risky because the labs can find out whether it is synthetic or not by comparing the blood particles with yours and also its temperature. Not recommended as marijuana detoxification for beating drug test.
  2. Detox your body – by removing all the toxins in your body thereby passing the test in a natural manner. This means that you should cleanse your body system by drinking as much fluid as you can and also getting rid of toxins by urinating.
  3. Do regular workouts – THC is normally stored in fat cells and by exercising you will be burning fat; THC byproducts are released into the blood and urine and goes out during cleansing operation.
  4. Eat protein rich foods – like red meat which will increase the creatinine levels. Creatinine is a component in urine and by drinking more fluids its level comes down. To hide this protein rich foods are useful.
  5. Take 4 aspirins hours before the test because aspirin interferes with the chemicals in the test.
  6. Take Vitamin B to color your urine.

Aug 10

Everything You Need To Know About Marijuana Drug Testing

Marijuana drug testing has shown that you cannot say in one single word as for how long marijuana remains in your body. The answer has many factors to consider. However, there are many branches of people saying all kind of things about the presence of marijuana in your system.

There is one section that says that components like the THC never leave your brain once you smoke it. Others say that, it gets dissolved in your blood and therefore you can always be detected for smoking. Still some others have to say that it gets to the root of your hair and grows with each hair all your life.

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Jul 10

How to Pass a Drug Test

Many employers test employees – both new and old – for drugs to help keep the workplace drug free. The best way to pass a drug test is to avoid taking the drugs for four to six weeks prior to the test. This will give the body time to flush out most of the drugs in the system. In case this is not possible, you can try the following tricks.

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