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A coque samsung galaxy j3 ol Life Pro Tip (or an LPT) is a specific action with definitive coque samsung galaxy s5 mini sfr results that improves life for you and those around you in a specific and significant way.

You can expound coque samsung grand lite in the comments, but the title must stand on its own. The tip and the problem it solves must be in the title.

If it coque samsung a3 galaxy 2015 takes more than the title, you have described a procedure, not a tip.

Advice is not a Lifeprotip as we define it. Advice includes but is not limited to thinking about something a certain way or trying something hoping for better results.

You must begin your post with “LPT” or “LPT Request”.

Do not submit tips that could be considered common coque iphone 6 college sense or common courtesy. Do not submit unethical tips. No spurious, unsubstantiated or anecdotal claims.

Use descriptive titles when posting! Your title should explain the gist of the LPT.

No tips that are coque samsung galaxy tab 3 7 considered illegal in the United States.

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No tip piggybacking! Do not make tips in reaction to other posts on coque iphone 6 elephant this subreddit.

Don tip coque samsung galaxy grand prime ve personnalisé copy. Word for word reposts of tips already tips will be seen as unoriginal and removed and may get you banned.

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Note: Homophobia, racism, harassment and general hate on ethnicity, sex, religion or coque samsung galaxy grans prime anything else will result in a permanent ban that cannot be appealed. Tips that advocate/support illegal activities are coque samsung galaxy grand prime tablette de chocolat also grounds for a permanent ban as well. coque samsung wave 4 Tips or comments that encourage behavior that can cause injury or harm iphone 6 plus coque licorne to coque samsung galaxy core prime danseuse others will be cause coque samsung galaxy grand plus kenzo for a ban. As the majority of LPT Mods are US Based, we will be using US laws to determine whether or not it legal…

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